As finals season is creeping upon us, the amount of stress we face starts to rise. In order to preserve our mental health, it is important to develop and employ healthy habits throughout finals week. Here are a few simple tips to add to your routine:
Take Breaks
Sometimes we can get so caught up in the amount of work and studying we have to do, we forget that it's actually healthy to take breaks. According to Cornell Health, a break of 5 to 60 minutes will help you regain your energy and your ability to focus. Do anything that will allow your brain to rest: get creative, exercise, talk with your friends, or do nothing at all.
Find Small Wins
You may not complete everything you hoped to in a day. However, try to highlight some of the things you did accomplish. It can be as small as opening your laptop or as big as staying focused during a long study session. It is important to give yourself a pat on the back for the smallest things to prevent discouragement as you try to complete the rest of your to-do list.
Have Grace With Yourself
Grades are important, of course, but they do not define you. You may find a certain pressure to obtain all A’s or have a 4.0, but these are not the only factors that determine your success in life. Instead of placing your focus on performing a certain way, shift your mindset to simply doing your best. There is only so much time you can study for each of your classes without overexerting yourself. Focus on the things you can control and leave what you can’t.